Teeth whitening is a simple, effective cosmetic dental treatment that we offer to noticeably enhance your smile in as little as one treatment. Our professional teeth whitening treatments utilize a powerful yet safe whitening gel that is applied to the surface of your teeth. This gel works to lighten the appearance of stains, discoloration and yellowing on the tooth enamel.

If you have ever wished that your smile were whiter and brighter, teeth whitening might be right for you. Through professional teeth whitening, we can lighten staining and discoloration caused by various factors, such as:

Not only does Mecca Dental offer professional GLO whitening for life, but we also offer an in-office whitening that leaves your smile brighter and whiter within an hour. And not only do you leave the office with your teeth whitened day of, but you will also receive a take-home kit that allows you to whiten at home at your convenience!

Our dentist will work with you to determine the right type of treatment and treatment length to achieve the smile aesthetic you desire. To learn more about professional teeth whitening and to set up your consultation at our office, please call us today.